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Podzimní SPIE seminář

Kategorie: SPIE aktuality Zveřejněno: úterý 31. říjen 2023 9:26

Dear all,


We would like to invite you to a SPIE CTU Student Chapter seminar on the 3rd of November at 18:00 (next Friday) at the Department of Physical Electronics (KFE) in our faculty (room T-121). This time, we will have a special visit from the European Spallation Source in Sweden, Blahoslav Rataj, who will talk about the search for neutron oscillations. Please find all the details in the flyer attached.


We will offer small refreshments. The seminar will be followed by a gathering at a pub.

If you are thinking about coming/maybe coming, please fill in this DODLE FORM -> <-


Hope to see you there and bring friends! smile